Balanse, stablitet og kompetanse
Denne workshoppen trener dine fysiske ferdigheter ved å fokusere på naturlige og grunnleggende bevegelser, synkronisert med mellomgulvs pust. This workshop trains your physical skills by focusing on natural and fundamental movements, in sync with diaphragmatic breathing. this will improve your posture and stability.
Du vil trene du på bevegelses mønstre som vår kropp utfører i hverdagen. Fordi dette gir et mål er økt effektivitet, styrke, bevegelighet, balanse og kontroll i disse hverdags bevegelsene. You will work on movement patterns that our body performs in everyday life, with the goal of increasing efficiency, strength, mobility and balanse and control in these movements
også egnet for:
En mulighet til å prøve noe nytt. Workshopen undervises på engelsk
Nye faste trenings timer kommer snart.
Få plasser, book din plass via e-post info@renbalanse eller ring
Improve your body alignment posture and stability, using baby patterns and breathing techniques helping injuries and chronic pain.
Enhances strength, mobility and coordination by practicing multi-joint exercises, It builds core stability, flexibility and endurance to improve daily life
A specialized program for winter sports. We will be focusing on strength endurance, balance and power in cold conditions. It prepares the body for all winter activities like snowboarding, skiing etc. activities by improving posture, stabilities and adaptabilities.