
Alle kan ha godt av bedre balanse og jo eldre vi blir vil det bli viktigere med god balanse. Så balanse trening bør vi alltid legge inn i vår daglige rutine, men jo eldre vi blir jo viktigere blir det. Det finnes mange ulike balanse treninger med ulike apparater. Det enkleste er å ta seg en tur ut i skog og mark i ulent terreng.

Men vil du ha noe mer skal jeg vise deg noe som kan gjøre stor forskjell i hverdagen din.

  • Jeg har tatt endel kurs med lisa Howel en fysioterapeut fra Australia og hennes Adult Crawling øvelse synes jeg er helt fantstisk fasinerende bra.
  • Den jobber med mye av de kryss mønstrene av fasica som særlig i balanse trenger stødighet og styrke. Visningen er av en flott danser men øvelsene passer for alle.

Dette er hva Lisa Howel skriver om «Adult Crawling»

“Adult Crawling” is a great exercise to help develop connections in the Anterior Oblique and Posterior Oblique slings which normally get developed when babies learn to crawl. It helps activate these slings and the deep stabilisers required for dynamic, spontaneous stability, so it is an ideal exercise to include in a warm up. 

Lisa har en egen side some heter The ballet blog

Hun skriver mest om trening for dansere og trnere men kunnskapen hennes og de fifige øvelse kommer godt emd til vanslig folk også.

Se på Adult Crawling siden henne her:

Her er en full beskrivelse av øvelsen

Level 1

  1. Set yourself up on a line.
  2. Place your left foot on the line and lift the right knee up to 90 degrees.
  3. Place your left hand on the inner surface of the right knee and press firmly.
  4. You should feel the right inner thigh muscles and the left oblique abdominals working together.
  5. Make sure your spine is in neutral and the supporting foot is well placed.
  6. Hold for three breaths, feeling your rib cage expand on each inhale and a gentle pelvic floor connection with each exhale.
  7. Place your right heel in front of the left big toe on the line, and repeat with the other leg.
  8. Continue for the length of the room, making sure to hold for three slow breaths on each leg.

Level 2 – Cross Body Press with Twist

  1. Set yourself up on a line as for Level 1.
  2. Float one knee up the front (making sure to not hitch your hip) and press the opposite hand firmly against the inside of the knee. 
  3. Once you have your balance, add in a gentle rotation of the upper body towards the lifted leg.
  4. Your hips should stay square to the front, and the supporting foot must remain in a good position.
  5. Keep your eye-line facing forward, while your ribs twist to the side wall.
  6. Remember to keep the back in neutral. 
  7. Hold for three natural breaths before replacing the lifted foot and repeating on the other side. 

Level 3 – Cross Body Twist with Toe Tap

  1. Set yourself up on a line as for Level 2.
  2. Once you have your balance, move from the rotated position to a simple toe tap in parallel with the hands on the hips.
  3. Allow the body to lean forward slightly in order to fire the inferior gluteal muscles, and soften the supporting leg, keeping the knee aligned over the second toe.
  4. Keep both legs in parallel to help target the deepest hip stabilisers.
  5. Remember to keep the back in neutral, and lengthen from the crown of the head to the tip of the toe.
  6. There is no weight placed through the back leg.
  7. Bring the lifted leg back to the rotated twist and hold for three natural breaths before replacing the lifted foot and repeating on the other side. 

Level 4 – Pedestrian Version

  1. Set yourself up on a line as for Level 3.
  2. Step onto the left foot and float the right knee up to 90 degrees in parallel.
  3. Instead of pressing the hand against the opposite inner thigh, rotate your chest towards the right and bring the left arm up in a running motion to the front.
  4. Simultaneously drive the right elbow back with the hand pointing to the floor.
  5. Remember to keep the back in neutral, and focus on using your strength to rotate the rib cage.
  6. Fondu on the supporting leg as you rotate the rib cage the other way and drive the right hand forward, left elbow back, leaning the body forward slightly. 
  7. Straighten the supporting leg, rotating back to the starting position (upright running-man) before placing the right foot in front of the left and repeating on the other side.
  8. Continue along the line for the length of the room. 

Level 5 – Horizontal ‘T’

  1. Set yourself up on a line as for Level 4.
  2. Once you have your balance in the upright running-man position, slowly take the lifted leg behind you into a parallel ‘T’.
  3. Make sure to keep the back leg in parallel, toes pointing down towards the floor, and the hips square.
  4. Unfold your arms to be in line with your body.
  5. Use the mirror to check that your leg and upper body are both horizontal to the floor. 
  6. Remember to keep the back in neutral, and lengthen from the crown of the head to the heel of the lifted leg.
  7. Bring the lifted leg back to the twisted upright running-man position and hold for a moment before replacing the lifted foot to the floor and repeating on the other side. 

Level 6 – Horizontal T with Rotation

  1. Set yourself up on a line as for Level 5.
  2. Once you have your balance in the horizontal T position, slowly rotate the rib cage towards the supporting leg, keeping the arms outstretched.
  3. Rotate the rib cage away from the supporting leg, keeping the hips facing the floor.
  4. Rotate towards the supporting leg once more, before recovering to the upright running-man position. 
  5. Hold momentarily before replacing the lifted foot and repeating on the other side.